
How do companies lose customers?

True Story About Lexus (The Car)

In the early 1990s when Lexus was launching its new model of cars into the US it experienced a manufacturing error after selling about 2000 cars to the early adopters.

That kind of problem had the capacity to sink a new car manufacturer trying to break into a new market.

However, Lexus went out of their way to fix the faults when they recalled the affected cars.

It is was said according to the Malcolm Gladwell that on one occasion an engineer traveled 2000 miles across the US to fix the fault on one of the cars.

Such efforts taken to look after their clients resulted in – brand loyalty and word of mouth promotion.

It worked well! Today Lexus has a handsome market share in the US


So in answer to your question – The reason why companies lose customers has to do with the way they handle/respond to complaints!

Some businesses become agitated when a customer complains but in reality, they should be happy and do their best take care of that customer.

Do you know that when people are not happy with your service/product they tell at least 4 other people?

It is very possible to turn a complaining client to an evangelist – if handled well.


This concept of changing those who complain to become your evangelist should be adhered to whether you are a big or small business.

Hope this helps

Boomy Tokan