
Is Money Greater Than Knowledge?



The question is best answered when we consider the plight of Lottery Winners.

It is said that about “70% of all lottery winners end up going broke and filing for bankruptcy” (Source below)


The following 2 examples illustrate the point that knowledge is greater than money:

Sharon Tirabassi (above) who won $10million from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. lost it all in 11 short years.

Much of it was spent on consumables and non-income generating “things”. She spent roughly $1m a year on cars, exotic, holidays, parties, big house, handouts to friends. Now she is back in rented accommodation, riding buses and working a part-time job.

Michael Carroll was just a young man when he won £9.7 million— $15 million — jackpot in Britain,

Five years later he was hoping to get his old garbage man job back. Much of the money was spent on prostitutes, cars, parties, and drugs


These stories strongly illustrate how knowledge trumps money. A simple investment of

  • $1m index-linked shares
  • $1m in rental properties
  • $1m in government bonds

Would have guaranteed they could never be poor again!


Why is Knowledge Greater Than Money?

# The “Greater” is what you need first

# When you possess knowledge first you can keep the money but if you possess money first you are likely to lose the money

# You need the knowledge to keep the money

# You don’t need money to keep knowledge

# Spend your time acquiring knowledge and the money will find its ways to you!


Read more about the lottery winner here……

Read Hector’s answer as well Hector Quintanilla’s answer to Is money greater than knowledge?

Hope this helps you on your journey to success

Boomy Tokan