
Start Your Business Before You Start Your Business – Part 1

In the illuminating read “The Richest Man Who Ever Lived” by Steven K. Scott, a poignant verse from Proverbs 11:14 is spotlighted: “Where there is no wise guidance, the nation falls, but in the multitude of counselors there is victory.” This ancient wisdom underscores the essence of seeking seasoned advice when embarking on any new venture, particularly when it comes to launching a business.

The Essence of Early Foundations in Business Launching

Launching a business transcends the mere drafting of a business plan. It encompasses a breadth of preliminary considerations well before the concept of product testing or business plan documentation comes into play. Reflecting on the journey of Bill Gates, many attribute his monumental success to Microsoft.

However, his pivotal deal with IBM was, in fact, the cornerstone of his success, having laid the groundwork for victory long before that crucial meeting.

Key pre-start strategies that paved the way for Gates’ success included his unwavering discipline and adept problem-solving skills, alongside the support of a trusted partner, Paul Allen.

This partnership highlights an often-overlooked aspect of starting a business – the foundational qualities and relationships established before taking the entrepreneurial leap.

A compelling illustration of the importance of discipline can be drawn from the ‘Marshmallow Experiment’. Children who exhibited the restraint to wait for a greater reward not only succeeded in the task but were also observed to be more successful, content, and prosperous in subsequent years.

This experiment parallels the entrepreneurial journey, where discipline and the capacity for delayed gratification are indispensable.

Moreover, the quest for a groundbreaking idea, while important, should not overshadow the necessity of cultivating key attributes and establishing a solid foundation beforehand.

Many potential pitfalls await those who leap prematurely into business without these critical preparations.

The Significance of Selecting the Right Partner

Reflecting on Gates and Allen’s partnership reveals a broader lesson about the timing and nature of seeking co-founders or partners.

Often, entrepreneurs delay this search until their business is already operational, complicating the process of thoroughly understanding and evaluating a potential partner’s core competencies and character.

Imagine the transformative impact of engaging with a potential partner early in the journey, allowing for a deeper exploration of each other’s strengths, values, and visions.

Such foresight can be a game-changer, setting the stage for a more harmonious and effective partnership.

A Contemporary Reflection: The Airbnb Story

Drawing inspiration from historical examples, let’s consider a more recent success story: Airbnb. Before becoming the global phenomenon it is today, founders Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk faced numerous rejections and challenges.

Their journey was marked by an unwavering commitment to their vision, relentless problem-solving, and the cultivation of a strong partnership based on mutual trust and complementary skills. Similar to Gates and Allen, the Airbnb founders exemplified the importance of discipline, strategic partnerships, and the ability to navigate through uncertainty.

Leveraging Insights for Your Entrepreneurial Journey

For those contemplating the entrepreneurial path, this article serves as a beacon, illuminating the critical importance of foundational work in the pre-start phase. By embracing discipline, seeking wise counsel, and fostering strong partnerships, you significantly enhance your chances of success.

The journey from idea to implementation is fraught with challenges, but with the right preparations, the transition can be a triumph, catapulting your venture from a mere 10-20% chance of success to an impressive 80-90%.

Part 2 of this article to follow soon!