
What are some of the best business books?

Starting or running a business is one of the most difficult things you can do. That is why it’s so important to educate yourself and absorb any quality available resource you can. Build your knowledge and see how much further you and your business can go.


Sites like Udemy are powerful tools for any entrepreneur. From website design to accounting, knowledge is just a click away. For example, my Start a Successful Business: The Best Questions to Ask course (currently $19.99)


I am an avid reader. Whether it’s an e-book or paper, I cannot get enough of the knowledge found in the pages of a great book and that’s why I’m writing this article. Here Are The 5 Books That Changed My Life In 2018

#1. Why They Buy B.A.N.K. by Cherry Tree.

#2. Why – Simon Sinek.

#3. 80/20 Sales & Marketing By Perry Marshall.

#4. Elon Musk By Ashlee Vance

#5. Book of Proverbs – The Bible


Before I tell you about these business books in detail, I want to say two things

#1 Reading culture

It is said that the average CEO in the USA reads 66 books a year but the average person only reads 1 book in the same period.

Notice how considerable disproportionate what the incomes of those two groups of people are!

You are doing the right thing by searching for answers like this and I hope your business and personal life changes as you read and practice the principles laid out in many of these books.

#2 The Media

I wish popular media could be subject to the constraints and requirements placed on a witness in the court of law. My emphasis will be for them to simply declare the “Whole truth” as opposed to what makes good saleable headlines.

I say this because unless you have trodden the unbeaten path to discover the gems, you are likely to miss out on books that can change your life.

The truth about a businessman or woman can never be completely revealed in a 7 mins article. Not only due to the limitation of space for editorial content but the deliberate omission to ensure an appeal to a mass audience. In reality, the masses are not the ones that need the whole truth since most people will not act upon what they learn.

So I submit to you that to truly know a man/woman read his autobiography written by a credible writer. Find out what your mentors read and emulate them. You are on the best track reading answers to this type of question but don’t limit yourself here – do more research and make some self-discoveries.


On to the books

There are 5 Books that have had a profound influence on my life this year. I strongly believe that they set a stronger foundation for personal development and growth.

They are not in order of importance

#1. Why They Buy B.A.N.K. by Cherry Tree

I met Cherry when she delivered a speech at the Dascoin (cryptocurrency conference). Wait, the book is not about Cryptocurrency.

The book is probably still one of the best-kept secrets. I am amazed that it has not become #1 Seller around the world.

In summary, it perfectly distills every person personality into 4 areas. It helps you to increase your communication impact by 1000s of percentages. It shows you how to write and speak the language of your client/manager/boss/employee/hearer in an honest non-sales fashion. It takes consultative selling to a new dimension

Every businessman or woman Must read this book. It has many practical sections too.


#2. Why – Simon Sinek.

I am not sure why it took me so many months before reading this book. My daughter introduced me to Simon 5 years ago. When I watched his YouTube video I thought he was great then but didn’t get to read the book. This time I decided to delve in.

This book helped me formulate my “Why”. Instead of having some hazy reason as to why I do the things I do, I am now more self-assured.

You need this if you haven’t read and practiced the exercises in the book.

The reason I know this works is that my Life Purpose and my My Why as suggested by the book work well together.

My Why is to challenge and empower individuals to overcome their perceived limits to that they can become the best versions of themselves in all areas of their lives.


#3. 80/20 Sales & Marketing By Perry Marshall

Yes, I know you have heard of the Pareto principle. But have you heard how it can help you to stop leaving money on the table?

After reading this book, I immediately changed how I conducted business. It thought me two very important things:

  1. Some of the people who bought your £10 product will buy your £5,000 product if you have it
  2. Start your business by creating or thinking about your high ticket products first!

There is just so much in this book. Read it


#4. Elon Musk By Ashlee Vance

My knowledge of Elon Musk was extremely fleeting and grossly inaccurate.

I thought Elon started Telsa! No, he did not.

I thought Elon wanted to make money. No, he did not. Money was a consequence of what he did.

I thought Elon loved fame. No, he does not. He used fame as the means to advance his projects.

Listen, you cannot comprehend a person’s drive, spirit, nature, and principles by reading blogs. Read his autobiography


#5. Book of Proverbs – The Bible

I have read the Bible through about 20 times but this year I decided to copy a mentor who read Proverbs over and over for two years.

This Book of Proverbs has given me so many life-changing teachings. Like what:

  • Delivering better quality products
  • How to avoid time wasters
  • Knowing who to trust
  • Time management
  • How to handle money
  • Choose friends and influence people
  • Discipline
  • Restraints from food and drinks
  • Hope
  • Trust
  • Encouragement

Read it yourself!


Before I conclude there is a series of YouTube videos I watched that also impacted me. I think someone mentioned it in passing and I searched it out.

It was some of the best time spent on YouTube the series is called: The Men Who Built America.

This is a Must for every entrepreneur

There you have it my own 5 books that have impacted me this year.

What will yours be?

Let me know if you need any help and don’t forget to grab your lifetime access to my Start a Successful Business course, currently only $19.99.

Kindly comment below.

Boomy Tokan